Bushfire Guidelines
A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas.
In response to recent devastating bushfires, the Australian Standards 3959 has been updated and republished AS3959:2009. At the time of publication Victoria and ACT have adapted the new standard for construction. All other states will adapt the new standard in 2010; the building code of Australia will reference the new satndard on the 1st May 2010. The old standard had 4 levels of bushfire attack, the new standard has 6 levels of severity expressed as bushfire attack levels (BAL):
• BAL - low
• BAL - 12.5
• BAL - 19
• BAL - 40
• BAL - FZ
This booklet is a guide for the different construction requirements for windows and doors in each level.

Bushfire guidelines
This booklet is a guide for the different construction requirements for windows and doors in Australia.